
Debug Bluetooth on Linux17 May, 2024
Train the algorithm12 May, 2024
Homelab: The experiment begins27 Feb, 2024
Thailand: Sandy Beaches to Bustling Streets19 Aug, 2023
India turns 77!15 Aug, 2023
Add reading time to blog articles05 Aug, 2023
Half a Decade in Tech03 Aug, 2023
Integrating Contentlayer with NextJs Blog30 Jul, 2023
Manali: Mountains and Memories22 Jul, 2023
How I built a blog with NextJs14 Jul, 2023
2022 - The Year of Plentiful31 Dec, 2022
I Got Engaged 💍06 Aug, 2022
ISRO interview experience and takeaways29 Jan, 2022
Why I decided to not join ISRO?26 Jan, 2022
Things I learned in Cisco22 Jan, 2022
2021 - A Bullish Year04 Jan, 2022
25, it is!!!06 Jun, 2021
Thoughts on the Family Man 205 Jun, 2021
Looking back at 202003 Jan, 2021
Two Years at Cisco16 Sep, 2020
Cassandra - A Decentralized Structured Storage System08 May, 2020
Epidemic/Gossip Protocols14 Apr, 2020
2019 - Year in Review31 Mar, 2020
Automatic HTTPS Certs Using GoDaddy and Gitlab APIs23 Jul, 2019
Setting Up ModSecurity on Ubuntu01 Jul, 2019
Travelogue - Chikmagalur29 Jun, 2019
Go + gRPC + OPA - A Perfect Union - Part 318 Feb, 2019
Go + gRPC + OPA - A Perfect Union - Part 217 Feb, 2019
Go + gRPC + OPA - A Perfect Union - Part 110 Feb, 2019
2018 - Year in Review31 Dec, 2018
Beginning a New Journey25 Aug, 2018
The Good and Bad about CSED of NIT-C14 Jun, 2018
Battery Notifications in i312 Jun, 2018
Mistakes That I Made in NITC01 Jun, 2018
Proxy Your Requests to the Backend Server With Grunt15 May, 2018
Writing Drozer Modules13 May, 2018
So I Applied for GSoC28 Mar, 2018
FOSSMeet'1826 Mar, 2018
Deactivated My Facebook Account23 Mar, 2018
Develop a Theme for Hugo02 Mar, 2018
My New Domain25 Feb, 2018
Syncing Time on Windows & GNU/Linux Dual Boot Setups01 Feb, 2018
Why a Sanskrit Shloka?30 Jan, 2018
Arch Linux Installation Guide Part 226 Jan, 2018
Arch Linux Installation Guide Part 124 Jan, 2018
My Own Configuration Manager21 Jan, 2018
2017 - The Best Till Now31 Dec, 2017
Setting Up SSH Agent in i327 Dec, 2017
Setting up ALM Octane with Docker Compose26 Dec, 2017
Fixing Hindi Fonts in Arch Linux17 Oct, 2017
Mounting NTFS partitions on Arch Linux14 Mar, 2017
FOSSMeet'1713 Mar, 2017
Setting up Hugo automatic deployment to Github with Wercker22 Feb, 2017
Setting up Python Development Environments09 Oct, 2016
Custom Arch Linux setup with Openbox09 Jun, 2016
A good Sublime Text setup14 Apr, 2016
Searching the goal10 Apr, 2016
Wanna get insulted by sudo03 Apr, 2016